Erin Witta


San Francisco

Erin Witta, LMFT, received both her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from San Francisco State University.

She is trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Radically Open DBT.

Erin has worked as a clinician across a range of settings, including with youth and families within the San Francisco County Human Services Agency, at a residential treatment center for adolescents with substance use and mental health disorders, and in high school and university mental health clinics.

She previously worked in a hospital inpatient unit assessing and supporting patients on psychiatric holds, and as a program coordinator for patients in the hospital’s intensive outpatient level of care.

Erin has extensive experience working with patients and their families experiencing acute mental health crises, including suicide plans or attempts and self-injury.  

At Camden Center, Erin is a Clinical Team Lead assisting patients, their families, and providers in the coordination of communication and support for optimal treatment outcomes through quality, client-centered, and comprehensive care services.

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