Skee Goedhart


Los Angeles

Skee Goedhart, MA, CHt, has studied Tai Chi and Qigong for more than 15 years. He earned his Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Talbot School of Theology in California and is a certified hynotherapist (CHt).

Skee holds a R.A.M.A. instructor certification, specializing in Yang style Tai Chi Chuan. He has trained under grandmasters Carl Totton at the Taoist Institute of Los Angeles, Ho Sik Pak, and David L. Reed. He also holds a fourth-degree black belt and is a Kyo Sa (instructor) in Tang Soo Do karate.

His passion is to bring these ancient traditions into the modern world and present patients with practical skills that can be used in everyday life situations. Skee teaches simple, yet powerful techniques to help reduce stress, lower anxiety, and center the mind, allowing the head to connect with the body and the body to connect with the earth.

At Camden Center, Skee works in both individual and group settings, using gentle, flowing movement, breath control, and visualization.

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